Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Most of these entries had to do with what we did in the previous class to see if we understood the material and how we assessed it. Taking this course has widened my view of arguing. I mostly thought of arguing as a debate going back in forth between two people, but it’s more than that. Arguing has to do with giving accreditation to others works to help you fight your opinion. It has to do with reaching out the audience in order to persuade them to go onto your side. It’s not about just proving a point; it’s about getting the ethos, logos, and pathos in order to justify a claim. Now that I have learned these new skills, I think I’d find myself arguing more, since now I know persuasive manners to grab hold of my listener. My family and friends used to think I was good at arguing before, wait until they see what I can do now.


Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go to class, so I missed the first debate, but the second day of debates I saw the groups present their work without hesitation. I thought maybe it’ll be easier to go up there and discuss my topic since I have a partner, and my other classmates made it look easy. I enjoyed the presentation that both groups discussed the pro. There was a mix up, so it forced the classroom to have a discussion. I think it’s easier to understand something when you are involved as well rather than hearing someone go on and on about a certain topic.

fear of public speaking

My partner’s and I debate topic wasn’t that difficult to find research on. Considering the fact that my partner understood more the project than I did helped with our presentation. The main difficulty I have was public speaking because I am very shy. I tried countless ways, imaging people in their underpants doesn’t work. I have no advice to give on overcoming public speaking, since I have not overcame my fear. I try not thinking about it, but I tend to speak faster and confuse my words. Overall, working in partners did make it seem less overwhelming, but my shyness surpassed my knowledge.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

change in policy

I was born and raised in northern New Jersey, and the areas that I lived in we weren't pressured to recycle. Here, there are blue bins all over, and people are constantly talking about recycling, so one has no excuse to not recycle. I believe if our community gave more visual aids to recycle, we would.

eating animals analyzed

I personally didn't enjoy reading eating animals. I thought the book leaned more towards vegetarians, and I am far from that. The book seemed more of his opinions, and at times i had to re-read a paragraph in order to understand it. If it was something more my interest then maybe I would have enjoyed reading it, but as much as I tried, this book was a bore.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ideas for next multi draft

My main goal is to stop using passive voice. It's usually easier for me to write in passive than active. I have this problem in another one of my courses, but I am trying to improve. Also, for my next assignment, I'll be more descriptive. I showed some descriptions, but I know more would of made the paper better.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

eating animals

I don't find it wrong to eat animals, and this book leans more to the vegetarian side. I'm for eating healthy, but meat is meat. It's still going to be there whether we eat it or not, so I'll eat it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


A good point to argue would be the family that they interviewed. The family has low income, therefore considering them minorities. Being in a similar position myself, I know they could have done more than eat out of the dollar menu every day. In the film, they went to a supermarket similar to the ones I go to back home, and my mother is able to purchase enough food to feed a family of four, not including our pet, with the less money than it is to go to McDonald’s every day. Let’s say they get breakfast, lunch and dinner from the dollar menu, they are using three dollars for each person giving them a total of twelve dollars a day. That’s just one day. Multiply that by the number of days in a week will give you eighty four dollars a week. My mother purchases 100 dollars worth of food for two weeks. Although prices are varied among the area you live in, taking a longer trip and spending five more dollars in gas would be better than wasting over thirty dollars more per week. Having a job does complicate things, but children I know start cooking at age twelve. It’s a matter of health and making time for helping yourself.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pathos in film

In the film, I believe pathos was mainly expressed in the argument pertaining to the infected hamburger. The mother told her story in a dramatic way which made anyone want to try to help her in some way. Pathos was also used when they were showing how the chickens were treated. I personally love chicken and seeing that made my stomach upset. The producer knew that using pathos would appeal to a larger audience then just stating facts.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

class conference

The conference didn’t go bad. I know I have to work more on my writing style to be more specific on what I am trying to tell my reader. The criticism wasn’t anything drastic; it was fair and precise, and there was nothing to be changed.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

boyle's story

I’m not against vegetarianism, but I do think that at times they may take things to the extreme. Holding up signs is okay, but when you verbally harass someone for their choice, then it’s crossing the line. Eating meat is a personally choice that others shouldn’t interfere in; it’s another person’s body, not the activists, so the people for meat have the will to do as they please with it. Another activist movement that I protest is freeing the turkeys. They could have rallied their own turkeys or make it harder for the farmer to catch new ones rather than grab the ones already caught. They are not only harming the turkeys, since they have to find a way to push them out, they are making the life of the farmer harder to live. Everyone has to make a living, and who’s to say the farmer mistreated the turkeys. People need to find a means of food somehow. I don’t agree with animal violence, but I also don’t agree with harming a person’s source of income. In the end the animals were slaughtered by cars, they are going to die one way or another. Just like abortion and all the other non-stop pro/con arguments, this is a never ending disagreement because it all has to do with human choice. If you can’t change a Jets fan to like the Giants, what makes it possible for people to change from steak to tofu??

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

eating habits

I’m a very picky eater. Whenever I’m going on a date I would rather pick the place to eat because I don’t want to be rude and just order something small. Anything with chicken is my weakness though. I absolutely love chicken, if it’s cooked right. Usually I’m a fast eater when I’m hungry, but in my house I’m the slowest eater. Usually when I eat any type of meat, I ask for it well done. I can’t stand looking at my food and seeing even a little pink. Eating the meat doesn’t disgust me; I’m just paranoid and get scared that there might be bacteria in it. Same with almost all my food, I have to make sure everything is cleaned as best possible. I’m definitely not a vegetarian, I really do enjoy eating meat, but I did try once for about two days. I saw them cut off the head of a chicken and I felt bad for the helpless chickens, but once my mother said she was cooking chicken, I couldn’t say no. people become vegetarian for different reasons, but I don’t have the passion they do to continue on.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

immigrants are people too

Monday, February 8, 2010

my beautiful babies

Currently, I own a guinea pig, but I mainly grew up with dogs. So I would rather talk about growing up with pets I got closer with; I’m not saying I’m not close to my guinea pig, but I can’t hold him as much because I’m allergic. I grew up with a blue-nose pit-bull, a German Sheppard and a Rottweiler. My pets did make me feel human because they just made me a kinder person. Having to take care of them sometimes, because my parents did do most the work, made me grow up. They showed me to own up to my responsibilities, even at a young age. Sadly, I lost all three pets. I don’t know how I could have made them happier. I spoiled my dogs a lot because I treated them like my babies, so I know I did everything in my power to make them as happy as they could be. Dogs really don’t ask for much, they just want you to be happy and you want the same.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I’ve never been asked whether I would like paper or plastic, but most people use plastic. I never thought much about it because I don’t know the effects it has and never really thought much of it to look it up. I don’t personally know of anyone that brings reusable bags to the market, but I have seen people buy it. I thought it was nice of them because they’re thinking or an area beyond themselves.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

learning style inventory

The learning style inventory didn’t much surprise me because I am familiar with my writing style. The only thing that did get my attention was that it claims I’m spatial. The description for spatial does fit into my personality, so I could easily accept the other findings. Other than that, I’ve taken previous tests that gave me similar results.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Before I came to Stockton, I used to never recycle. I never thought much of it because it really wasn’t that big of a deal for me. When I came to this school my friend continued to reprimand me for not recycling, so I started recycling. During classes a lot of the students talked about the damages we’re causing, and I do believe they have a point. I’m still in the shadow, so to speak, when it comes to the damages that are happening throughout the planet, but at least I know I put in my help.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I usually don’t enjoy reading as much as should. I actually only read when imp forced to. Only one author has ever caught my attention like no other reader has, Ellen Hopkins. When I read her books I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I’m not an excellent reader, at times I have to go back and re-read a sentence I just read or sound out words that I can’t pronounce in my mind. I’m a generally slow reader, but I have a different understanding than other readers may have. I don’t usually read with writing utensils because I don’t like marks on my books unless it’s a paper I wrote myself. When I’m in a rush I read an assignment straight through without grasping the concept, the only way I can truly understand it is if I read it slowly and thoroughly.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


I am a very argumentative person, but only for fun. I enjoy controversial issues even if I don’t agree with the side I am defending. Most of my friends believe I should be a lawyer because I’m always disputing, but not during serious situations unless it calls for it. I don’t know why I enjoy arguing so much, but hearing different opinions fascinate me.